
Egypt is a truly enchanting and mystical holiday destination. A cruise along the Nile from Luxor to Aswan, taking in the Valley of the Kings – where the Pharaohs were laid to rest – and various temples along the way will remain etched in the memory for a lifetime. But even if Egypt is a dry country, there are now more than twenty golf in Egypt with the majority constructed since the late 1990s. Architects such as Greg Norman (Allegria), Nick Faldo with Schmidt Curley Design (Katameya Dunes) and Gary Player (Cascades at Soma Bay) have unveiled layouts here in Egypt but the most prolific architect in modern times is undoubtedly American John Sanford. So if you travel in Egypt don't forget to play a round.

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Katameya Heights Golf & Tennis Resort Closes in 1 hour 45 minutes

Katameya Heights Golf & Tennis Resort

Location: Katameya Heights Golf & Tennis Resort, New Cairo، ÉgypteWebsite: +20 2 27580517
Madinat Makadi Golf Resort Closed nowOpens at 07:00:AM tomorrow

Madinat Makadi Golf Resort

37 USD 95 USD
Location: Qesm Hurghada, EgyptWebsite: +20 010 0007 2578