
Golf is a comparatively new sport in Latvia. Nevertheless, there are several golf courses designed by professional golf course architects that have been appreciated by experienced fans of this sport. It is the quality of the golf courses and services they provide that have promoted the popularity of this pastime which attracts increasingly more people every year. Latvia is virtually one enormous forest with more than 12,000 rivers and 3,000 lakes, but do not under-estimate the ancient Latvian traditions which have been long forgotten by most of Europe. The Latvian culture involves many song and dance festivals, but the most intriguing and best known is the mid-summer festival of Ligo, which is a celebration of the summer solstice.

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Ozo Golf Club Closes in 7 minutes

Ozo Golf Club

40 € 70 €
Location: Ozo Golf Club, Mīlgrāvja iela, District du Nord, Riga, LettonieWebsite: +371 67 394 399