New Mexico

New Mexico is the fifth largest US state and shares its southern border with its namesake, Mexico. With a strong Native American influence and the more recent relationship with Hispania, New Mexico fits the Tourism Department’s slogan “Land of Enchantment” to a tee. With more than 100 golf courses across the state of New Mexico, there is a fair amount of choice for the visiting golfer because the vast majority of golf courses in the Land of Enchantment are open for daily fee paying golfers. At the top of the rankings is the 27-hole facility at Paa-Ko Ridge Golf Club which can be played for around fifty bucks at certain times of the year. But our team also likes Black Mesa and Twin Warriors golf club.

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Coyote Del Malpais Closed nowOpens at 08:30:AM tomorrow

Coyote Del Malpais

Location: 2001 George Hanosh Blvd, Grants, Nouveau-Mexique, États-UnisPhone: +1 505-285-5544
Black Mesa Golf Club Closes in 40 minutes

Black Mesa Golf Club

$60 $90
Location: 115 NM-399, Española, NM 87532Phone: +1 505-747-8946
Santa Ana Golf Club Closed nowOpens at 07:30:AM tomorrow

Santa Ana Golf Club

$39 $65
Location: 288 Prairie Star Rd, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM 87004Phone: +1 505-867-9464