Only one hour from Paris, in the south of Seine-et-Marne, treat yourself with the luxury of a total scenery change at Golf de Montereau La Forteresse. This 18-hole course features a varied layout in unspoilt nature and a conservation area of unique charm. Every hole reveals different views of the undulating wooded fairways and lovely ponds. A very pleasant course open all year round, suitable for beginners and confirmed players.
Since 1988, the Golf Club de Montereau la forteresse dominates the Orvanne Valley, in the heart of the Seine-et-Marne. On the lands of the Crapard family, the architects Mark Adam and Patrick Fromanger were given “carte blanche” to create the layout, according to some unevenness visible from the tee of 1, a flattering drive downhill to a green protected by a string of bunkers. Two thirds of the holes are played in plain while from 5 to 8 and on the holes 15 and 16, it is the forest which frames tighter fairways, more technical, more dangerous.

The summer roughs are also pretty bullet traps especially on the long holes like the 2, the 18 and the passage 10, 11, 12, kind of “Amen corner” where the power is welcome towards well defended and subtly sloping greens. The holes all have a name related to history and for good reason, this fortified farm of the twelfth century on its oldest sides was a commandery of the Knights Templar. The underground passage that connects the pro-shop to the restaurant was long past, allowing to escape in case of emergency …
Today the golf balls have replaced the grape shot of the Middle Ages while the sheltered terrace dominates the course, host deer at night in the cool.
The Golf de Montereau la Forteresse is inside the Golfy network like many golf courses in France, in this network you also find for example Saint Endéol Golf club or Bigorre Golf & Country Club.